Exploration Is Key In Our Toddler Room
From walking and climbing to exploring everything, once your child has achieved mobility, they start experiencing the world in a whole new way. At Ballancrest Academy in Charlotte, North Carolina, the educational program featured in our toddler room is focused on growth and development. We strive to stimulate and nurture your child's mind so they can progress into our Early Preschool.
Toddler Curriculum
Knowledge of developmental milestones at the toddler phase is crucial to planning activities geared toward helping your child meet them. Our Lead Toddler Teacher utilizes the NC Foundation of Early Learning and Development domains, as well as the themes in our ScienceStart! curriculum to plan bi-weekly lessons for your child. Focusing on activity and goal two weeks at a time allows your toddler to become familiar with the books, songs, and concepts being taught.
Group Activities
With mobility comes the capacity to play with others and form group activities. We encourage exploration of new objects and sounds while relating those to words and signs in an effort to build communication and vocabulary.
Parent Involvement
As a parent, we know you want to remain abreast of your child's progress and activities. A daily report is provided that includes detailed information, such as the snack your child ate, activities they played, and what was discussed during circle time. Our Lead Toddler Teacher also conducts informal and formal assessments of each child's development and will share these exciting experiences during our quarterly parent-teacher conferences.